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匯豐環球客戶服務(廣東)有限公司佛山分公司Part-time, HR/Operat

發布時間:2010-07-25 19:27   來源:匯豐銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉



所屬行業: 服務業企業規模:1000人以上
企業性質: 外企獨資 Part-time, HR/Operations -
簡歷投遞: recruitmentfsc@hsbc.com.cn
職位性質: 兼職/實習
有效日期: 2010年07月24日 至 2010年08月23日
招聘人數: 多人 
工作地點: 佛山
Part-time, HR/Operations - 兼職(人力資源/銀行后臺業務)職位描述: 
- 18歲以上的在校學生;
- 操純正粵語,并具良好英語能力;
- 有良好客戶服務意識和溝通技巧,并擅于建立良好人際關系;
- 打字、計算機操作熟練并熟悉互聯網操作;
- 有積極進取心及團隊合作精神;
- 確保每月至少工作70小時。
以上職位的工作地點為佛山分公司。公司將為廣州居住的同事提供廣州至佛山的接送班車,具體往返路線:坑口地鐵站 <=> 佛山分公司。 

HSBC Global Resourcing is the largest, captive, banking and financial services offshoring organisation in the world. It has more than 32,000 skilled professionals operating out of 15 Group Service Centres present in five countries in Asia, including India, China, Malaysia, Philippines and Sri Lanka.

A vital part of the HSBC Group’s global strategy, Global Resourcing seamlessly integrates and plays a key role in delivering shareholder value helping HSBC remain competitive in the global financial services market.

HSBC Electronic Data Processing Guangdong Limited (HDPG), with two offices in Guangzhou and one office in Foshan forms part of HSBC Group’s Global Resourcing network and provides data processing, customer service facilities and professional services for the Group’s operating entities worldwide including Hong Kong, Macau, Bermuda, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan and Area office China. Established in 1996, we have experienced rapid growth in the past years and grown from 60 staff to more than 5,000.
Please refer to our website to get more information about HDPG and openings:
電子郵箱: recruitmentfsc@hsbc.com.cn
企業網址: http://www.hsbcglobalresourcing.com/
聯系地址: 佛山市禪城區華寶南路13號創新中心A座
郵編: 528000


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