
主頁 > 外資、合資、港資銀行招聘 > 恒生銀行招聘 > [上海]恒生銀行招聘Financial Data officer/Senior officer

[上海]恒生銀行招聘Financial Data officer/Senior officer

發布時間:2012-04-06 18:49  來源:恒生銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉


Job responsibility:
1) To act as financial data warehouse and map query experts, understand the data architecture, definition and query method at the greatest details to facilitate the development and maintenance of mi, assist to design the necessary bank core and vendor systems to facilitate the subsequent report automation and adhoc reporting needs
2) To act as extraction logic designer to develop new reports and ensure the strategic direction of single source of data and highest automation is followed
3) To project manage smaller-sized projects and assist to manage medium-to-large sized mi projects. to support in the development, testing and implementation of mi enhancements
4) To develop and maintain procedure of accessing financial data warehouse and report development for it and users, and maintain an optimal balance between efficiency and group control guidelines
5) To gate-keep the access of data and execute necessary contingency plan to minimize operating risk
6) To coordinate with all branches and operational departments/fin on data definition, report delivery and update

Job requirement:
1. University graduate in computer studies or related disciplines
2. Minimum 1 year hand-son banking experience with knowledge in operations development, banking system and procedures implementation, and process reengineering in a sizable foreign bank with comprehensive knowledge in banking regulations, operation practices and environment of the mainland.
3. Minimum 1 year experience in project management, able to handle multiple projects and deploy resources effectively.
4. Minimum 1 year experience in database development and support, able to handle multiple tasks and deploy resources effectively.
5. Good command of spoken and written english and chinese





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