
主頁 > 外資、合資、港資銀行招聘 > 恒生銀行招聘 > 香港恒生銀行招聘系統工程師


發布時間:2012-02-07 19:55  來源:恒生銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉

工作地點: 廣州-天河區 招聘人數: 10
工作年限: 一年以上 語言要求: 英語 精通 學    歷: 本科
職位職能:  軟件工程師 
Job Responsibility:
1) Ensures the successful design and implementation of a small to medium size (and/or several small size) application development projects by following RBPM including, but not limit to-
a) conducting feasibility studies
b) prepare clear choice report
c) performing external and internal designs of new/revised systems
d) developing, enhancing and testing programs with full documentation
e) performing system testing
f) ensuring that the programs are developed according to the specifications and in accordance with standards Group ITFIM and IT Development and Operations Handbook (ITDOH)
g) reviewing the final system and resolving operational problems

2) Ensures the successful installation of application system projects
3) Provides on going support and maintenance on production systems in the areas of fire-fighting and system enhancement.
4) Implements new/revised application systems by coordinating and supervising one or more project teams as
necesary. This accountability does not apply in all cases and some staff at this job grade will not be responsibefor subordinates.
5) To ensure that all control measures relevant to the job responsibilities are undertaken to minimize the risk
exposure of the Bank by observing the established internal control systems and monitoring the effectiveness of
such systems

1) University degree in Computer Studies or related disciplines
2) 1-2 years related working experience in MNC will be a plus
3) Familiar with AS400, RPG in banking industry is a plus
4) Proficiency in English
5) Fresh graduate could be considered
有興趣的同學登錄http://search.51job.com/job/49162389,c.html 申請



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