
主頁 > 回收區 > 銀行求職 > 渣打銀行筆經,面經,試題 > 2008年10月30 Tel interview (40mins)[渣打面經]

2008年10月30 Tel interview (40mins)[渣打面經]

發布時間:2010-06-09 16:08  來源:渣打銀行筆經,面經,試題 查看:打印  關閉

interview, Tel

10.30 Tel interview (40mins)

It came from Shanghai HR, forgot to know the name of the hrjj…

After a brief into introduction of the interview, interview questions include

Why IG?

Why SCB?

Why you can fulfill the applied position Wholesale banking?

Present your known of SCB’s footprints?

Demonstrate your leadership skills

Demonstrate your team work sprit



Do prepare your interview, so SCB’s new as much as possible.

Be confident!

Using example!

Ask for questions again when you didn’t catch up!

The result will come out at the end of Nov.

Hope these can help you out.

Lastly, thanks for hiall and yingjiesheng BBS. This is my feedback for all of your help.



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