
主頁 > 回收區 > 銀行求職 > 渣打銀行筆經,面經,試題 > 2007年12月17我也來寫下渣打銀行IG 面經

2007年12月17我也來寫下渣打銀行IG 面經

發布時間:2010-06-09 16:05  來源:渣打銀行筆經,面經,試題 查看:打印  關閉

發信人: wangdiandian (New York New York), 信區: Job
標 題: 我也來寫下面經吧,渣打銀行IG
發信站: 逸仙時空 Yat-sen Channel (Mon Dec 17 00:47:29 2007)
07年12月13號 下午3:15
職位:International Graduate Programme , Wholesales Banking
面試是2V1的形式,一個是hr,一個是wholesales banking dept的manager,就是對著一張
問卷來一個一個的問你問題,所謂的structured questions,每個問題有2-3分鐘的時間去
寫下面經好了,希望對下面的sysu candidates有用。
Self Intro
Describe a situation when you have to make decisions in very limited time
How you convince others to do the right thing , which might be the things they
dislike , sometimes
How to handle many tasks at a time
How to decide the priority when you face many tasks
What's your understanding of wholesales banking, why you applied for it
Which of your qualifications , you suppose, will make you successful in this b
anking industry
Do you mind doing a lot of entry-level work in the first 1 or 2 yeas after joi
ning SCB
What's the trend in the banking business, in your perspective, especially in A
sian Area
Describe a situation when you gave out creative solutions and achieved a good
Any other offers you've got so far ? what's your preference and how to choose
and some more .... sorry that I cannot remember them all
Q&A Section
Tips: 口語要好,好到可以鎮住hr就最好;要說的快,因為每個問題時間很短,被打斷就



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