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匯豐銀行環球資本市場部 招聘Sales Officer

發布時間:2011-11-02 20:39   來源:匯豐銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉



Sales Officer, Global Markets, HSBC China

Working Location: Shanghai

Job Duties:
* Provide Deal execution for external and internal clients
* Manage good relationship with existing clients and increase of share of wallet
* Provide MI for the team
* Update research and treasury related reports
* Provide product support to the customer groups

Job Requirements:
* 0-2 year working experience. Relevant working experience with banks will be a plus.
* Smart, quick to learn
* Excellent quantitative and analytic skill
* Candidate need to work with high efficiency and accuracy
* Good teamwork, communication & negotiation skills
* Good English & PC skills
* Comfortable to work under pressure

For interested candidate, please submit your online application via the below link:


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