
首頁 > 外資、合資、港資銀行招聘 > 匯豐銀行招聘 > [上海]2017匯豐銀行(HSBC)銷售管培生招聘啟事


發布時間:2017-09-06 09:11   來源:匯豐銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉

  Location: Shanghai/Beijing/Guangzhou/Shenzhen/Foshan/Zhuhai/Zhongshan
  Duration: 18 months
  Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.
  What to expect: Future Trusted Advisor RBWM
  Global Premier is HSBC’s wealth management and international banking proposition designed to provide personal support for the personal economy of our globally-minded affluent clients. A cornerstone of the proposition is the dedicated Premier Relationship Manager who is a highly skilled and experienced individual, playing the Trusted Advisor role to our clients. The primary accountability of this role is to connect the clients to opportunities, to help clients fulfill their hopes and dreams and realise their ambitions.
  While undertaking the Future Trusted Advisor training, you will complete a structured fast track programme which is designed to prepare you for your roles as a Premier Relationship Manager and support HSBC's business growth strategy in China.
  Who can apply?
  We are looking for the candidate who meets the following requirements:
  -Newly graduate from the university or have less than 2 years working experience
  -Open-minded and willing to embrace sales challenges
  -Highly driven and self-motivated
  -Good interpersonal and communication skills
  Learning, development and support
  The programme consists of several structured activities over a 12 month period that includes:
  -Robust Selection Process
  -Structured training and job rotation plan
  -Assessment upon completion of programme
  -Promotion or continued development
  You are expected to demonstrate the below capabilities which are critical to the Premier Relationship Manager role by the end of the programme:
  1. Customer Focus
  2. Achieving Excellence
  3 Understanding Markets and Customers
  4. Strengthening Customer Relationships
  5. Finding and Developing Business
  6. Portfolio Management
  Upon successful completion of the programme, RBWM will provide you with a well-defined career path to accelerate your development through broad exposures.
  Connect the world at HSBC.


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