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發布時間:2010-01-22 17:15   來源:匯豐銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉



Development Opportunities
HSBC is an equal opportunity employer. We value the diversity of individuals, ideas, perspectives, insights and values, and what they bring to the workplace.
Indicative Grade: Band 8; Location: Xi’an
l         完成規定的銷售指標
l         熟練運用銷售技巧,針對客戶需求進行銷售
l         展示良好的職業形象
l         及時有效地回應客戶的咨詢和反饋
l         定期提交銷售進程報告
l         大專以上學歷
l         一年以上工作經驗者優先考慮
l         有銷售領域經驗者優先考慮
l         追求結果,能在壓力下工作
l         堅持建立長期,誠信的客戶關系
l         良好的人際溝通能力和表達能力
l         良好的客戶服務意識
l         有良好的英語口語及書寫能力
How to apply: Please visit http://www.hsbc.com.cn/careers and apply online.

Business Development Representative(PFS)
Indicative Grade: Band 8; Location: Xi’an
Job Duties:
l           To assist BD Manager to achieve HP customer growth by organizing quality sales activities to target those high-end prospects and immigration channel and etc. and thus acquire sufficient potential customers for DSF. 
l           To explore, develop and maintain third party partnerships for referring qualified and quantitative target prospects to HSBC in local market.  
l           To make sure all the sales activities are well planned and all the mechanics and milestone are cleared and clarified.  
l           To contribute to the enhancement of the prestigious image of the Bank by providing efficient and high quality professional service in compliance with external laws/regulations and internal control guidelines/standards. 
Job Requirements:
l           To report any operational risks identified or customer complaints received immediately.
l           To assist BD Manager to optimize the work process and improve work efficiency.
l           Bachelor degree
l           Good command of English.
l           Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
How to apply: Please visit http://www.hsbc.com.cn/careers and apply online.


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