
首頁 > 回收區 > 銀行求職 > 渣打銀行筆經,面經,試題 > 渣打電話面試題庫[全英文版]


發布時間:2010-06-09 16:15   來源:渣打銀行筆經,面經,試題 查看:打印  關閉



1. why choose SCB? Why choose Consumer Banking?

2. 3 qualities to succeed in SCB

4. what is important in consumer banking?

5. How do you try to get support form other people?
6. What is your personal strengths?

7. If you find some one in the team difficult to dealt with? what is your action?

8. Anything would like share with me in order to have a better understanding of you?

9. How do you define success?

10. how do you evaluate your success after IG program?
11. what do you think banks do?
12. what will you do in a new placement?
13. when you are a new comer, if you find an improvement for your team project, what will you do?
14. how can you get yourself familiar with the job in a new position?
15. what is your personal aim for future career?
16. what do you think is a good service?
17. Why to choose the foreign banking?

18. How to make a success in a team?

19. Compare to other students, what are your advantage?

20. If you are new on a team, how do you contribute to the team?
21. How to make change in a team?
22. What you bring to SCB as a freshman.
23. What kind of technical knowledge do you think you need when processing business?

24. If you have a significant objective to achieve, how could you ask your manager help you to plan?
25. Are you a quick learner?

26. What are you going to sacrifice in this Int'l Graduate Programme?
27. Are you a quick decider?
28. What do you possess as a business person?
29. It is often hard to implement changes in internal environment, eg Standard Chartered, what is your approach?

30. Give an example about people trust you just because they like you.

31. Will you compromise when doing a job?
32. Are you creative? Give examples
33. Are you analytical? Give examples
34. How can you make people trust you?

35. Are you good at presentation? How can you make sure of it?
36. When you get in Standard Chartered, you will be set a international working environment, you may be have to communicate with colleagues from different country, with different culture backgrouds it will be difficult and tough, how do you handle this?

37. When you, as a freshman, have found out some improvement for your team project, what is your action?

38. how do you think you have to be mobile, have to always travel around on businees trip to different country, like middle east, different culture and different language?

39. If you are given three choice middle-east, singapore, london for a business trip, with the same task, which you prefer?


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