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10月19號巴克萊電面 operations

發布時間:2010-05-31 10:38   來源:英國巴克萊銀行筆經,面經,試題 查看:打印  關閉



a gentleman from Singapore Barclays HR dept called.
Schedule time:10:30
Call received :10:32

The telephone interview contains very basic questions
1. introduce yourself
2. why your major
3. why IB
4. Why barclays & operations
5. what you have done to know about Barclays and Operations
6. what is your career plan for next 5 years
7. leadership qualities
8. resume related questions: leadership examples and negotiation examples

pls note that the tele-interview screening exercise for singapore will finish at the end of this week or mid-next week...


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