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發布時間:2010-02-02 19:29   來源:綜合銀行招聘信息 查看:打印  關閉



電子郵箱:        aileen.mao@scotiabank.com
工作地點:        廣州
招聘人數:        一名
工作年限:        一年
外語要求:        英語 CET 六級
薪水范圍:        面議
The Bank of Nova Scotia
(Incorporated in Canada with Limited Liability)
Originally established in Halifax, Canada in 1832, today Scotiabank has grown into one of North America's premier financial institutions with total assets of CAD497 billion (as at Oct 31, 2009), 68,000 employees, and 2,686 branches in some 50 countries around the world. Scotiabank has a strong and consistent commitment to China's economic and financial development since the early 1980s, with offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing and also an equity investment in Xi'an City Commercial Bank.
Scotiabank's Guangzhou Branch invites high caliber candidate for the following position:
-大學本科畢業,英語CET六級, 持會計從業資格證書;                                        
-了解人民銀行CNAPS支付系統的操作, 有銀行工作經驗者優先考慮;
-熟練掌握Microsoft Office軟件;
The Bank offers attractive remuneration and benefits packages to the successful candidates. Interested parties are invited to apply in strict confidence with full resume (in both English and Chinese) stating present and expected salary by e-mail to aileen.mao@scotiabank.com, or by mail to: 廣州市林和西路161號中泰國際廣場A座1503室, 郵編510620. All personal data collected will be kept confidential and used for recruitment purpose only.  Please indicate the job position in your application letter & envelope.


朔州市| 云南省| 兰西县| 巴楚县| 平原县| 高雄县| 衡水市| 株洲县| 迭部县| 读书| 镇沅| 尼勒克县| 华亭县| 方山县| 宣城市| 阿尔山市| 昔阳县| 洪湖市| 海淀区| 岱山县| 云南省| 和田市| 安塞县| 景宁| 浦北县| 城固县| 越西县| 岑溪市| 廊坊市| 兴业县| 黑水县| 铜梁县| 定结县| 浦县| 西乌| 岳普湖县| 肇东市| 正蓝旗| 平乡县| 莫力| 玛沁县|