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發布時間:2011-12-21 13:58  來源:渣打銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉

Department: Origination and Client Coverage - Korean Team
1. Assist relationship manager with daily operations
2. Cooperate with Trade and Cash Management department to provide financing se
rvice to Korean Corporations
3. Statistical updating and calculation
4. Negotiate with clients and help build a favorable relationship with them
1. Top-ranking university students in Shanghai
2. Major in Economics, Finance and other relating areas
2. Female only
3. Full-time: 5 days/week (must) for 3 months, starts from early January
4. Seniors and postgraduates are strongly preferred
5. Patient, careful, active, and have good communication skill
6. Fluent in both oral and written English.
7. Good command of MS Office, especially Excel.
Allowance: 80RMB/day
If you are interested in the position, please send your CV to the below email:
 zheng.dongying@sc.com, with the subject of "Korean Team Intern-school-name".
Thanks for your attention!



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