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渣打銀行 市場分析部門招聘實習生

發布時間:2011-07-21 05:41   來源:渣打銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉



Marketing Analytics Internship Requisition

Scope of Role:

This role is to help Standard Chartered Bank’s Marketing Analytics (MA) to execution & implement existing reporting & system implementation on campaign execution area.

This role also involves business data management on a periodical basis.

Key Requirement:

•Existing university first year graduate degree students;

•With academic focus on Management Sciences, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Engineering, Banking, or Computer Science;

•Ability to communicate and understand business needs and problems;

•Working experiences / knowledge with SAS/GNU R/S-PLUS or a major mainstream programming languages/script language, such as C/C /C#/Java or PHP/Perl/Bash/SQL and etc.

•Skills with major business software such as MS Excel and Power Point;

•Good commend of English language;

•Commitment of serving time with a minimum 4 days / week and consecutive 6 month for the whole term;

如有意向,請7月31日前發送中英文簡歷至Zhao.Jun@sc.com,郵件主題為“MA intern-學校-專業-每周可實習天數”。


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