工作部門:Consumer Banking, Wealth Management
1、 研一、研二、大三或大四已保研均可,金融、經濟相關專業、或對金融市場有興趣者優先;
2、 每周至少工作4天,可以持續工作6個月以上;
3、 有較好的中英文筆譯能力,可熟練使用EXCEL;
4、 高度責任心和主動性,細心靈活,善于動腦;
5、 要求盡快到崗;
6、 薪金:80RMB/day,無飯補車補
team 同事關系非常融洽,做的工作也不是trivial work, 能學習使用路透、彭博、WIND終端,雖然薪酬不多,但是不需要加班,還能學到很多東西,性價比很高. 有意者請首先將下面這段文字翻譯成中文,附在郵件正文中,然后與中英文簡歷一起發送至Wenying.Bi@sc.com
Last month, we looked at the impact of a peak in the manufacturing ISM index on S&P returns and
the recent performance is fitting in with the pattern for short term weakness which is then usually followed by a rebound.
Historically, the average stock market returns over the 12 months following an ISM peak when the US economy was not heading into recession was around 10%.
Adding the 5% decline seen so far since the end of February creates upside for equities from here.
We also look at the Economic Surprises Index (ESI)-which looks at whether economic data releases were better or worse than expected - as a contrarian indicator.