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[北京]匯豐銀行招聘Office Assistant

發布時間:2012-03-24 11:57   來源:匯豐銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉


Department: Beijing office;  Job title: Office Assistant

Job Duties:
1. Help with meeting/visit arrangement and daily office work;
2. Execute the additional assignment by management;
3. In accordance to HSBC internal control standards, implement and observe Group Compliance Policy;

Job Requirements:
1. Valid student ID is a must;
2. Good command of written English;
3. Good inter-personal and communication skills;
4. Good computer skills;
5. Five days per week from June to the end of November.
6. Location: COFCO Plaza
7. Posting Deadline: 30 March 2012

郵件標題為:Beijing Office+姓名+學校+專業+每周可實習天數


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