
首頁 > 外資、合資、港資銀行招聘 > 匯豐銀行招聘 > 匯豐銀行2012招聘宣講會 中山大學專場

匯豐銀行2012招聘宣講會 中山大學專場

發布時間:2012-03-09 18:42   來源:匯豐銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉




現匯豐銀行在廣東省內增設多家支行,如江門肇慶清遠湛江汕頭支行。其職位包括:工商企業業務拓展專員、柜員、賬戶管理專員、人民幣/外幣匯款專員、個人理財業務代表、財務助理等。如有興趣,請將電子版中英文簡歷投遞至: mp0810@manpower.com.cn



Business Development, Commercial Banking

Job Duties


·         ·         To actively call on target companies to promote the bank’s profile, cross sell commercial banking relevant products and services, in particular loan, trade and deposit, reporting results

·         ·         To achieve sales target agreed with line manager

·         ·         To provide regular feedback on market developments and competitor activity

·         ·         To ensure strict compliance with internal and external guidelines and regulations

·         ·         To ensure compliance with standard customer service turnaround time


Job Requirements:


·         ·University graduate or above

·         ·Fluent in both English and Chinese                                                                     

·         ·Quick learning, outgoing and preferably aggressive                               

·         ·Able to work independently and frequent traveling required



Job Duties:

·         ·Perform accurate and efficient counter transactions and to offer a high standard of courteous and professional service to customers;

·         ·Report customer feedback and collect market intelligence in order to seek continuous improvement in customer service;

·         ·Be familiar with local rules and regulation and internal guidelines and always keep alert for any suspicious Money Laundry activity and do report to superior;

·         ·Support to other tasks when necessary.


Job Requirements:

·         ·Bachelor degree;

·         ·Solid knowledge on counter operations and products;

·         ·Good understanding of local rules and regulations and internal guideline;

·         ·Strong sense of responsibility;

·         ·Good communication and interpersonal skill;

·         ·Speaking standard Mandarin & Cantonese;

·         ·Nice personality.


Maintenance Assistant

Job Duties:

·         ·File the department related documents in a systematic order;

·         ·Perform GWIS operation covering batch arrangement, document scanning, reconciliation, filing, etc;

·         ·Assist the executive to update Business Recovery Plan and other paper works;

·         ·Handle incoming and outgoing correspondences and the document transfer between sub-branch OPS and other departments/other branches, send out facsimiles and distribute incoming ones in order;

·         ·Prepare the buy-smart order for Ops, take charge of what received and deliver to related person;

·         ·Back up other Ops position when necessary;

·         ·Perform other tasks assigned by supervisor.


Job Requirements:

·         ·Bachelor degree;

·         ·General understanding of BKG Operations;

·         ·Understanding of local rules and regulations;

·         ·Self disciplined, motivated and well-organized.


Payment Assistant

Job Duties:

·         ·Process customers' payment instructions(in LCY & FCY) in compliance with various internal and external control procedures and regulations,

·         ·Perform GWIS operation covering batch arrangement, document scanning, do the first check  to ensure the documents are complete  and original

·         ·Handle snag cases and take proper follow up actions;

·         ·Answer enquiries from customers and business departments which are relevant to payment operations;

·         ·Prepare reports/data on payment operations as required by local regulators;

·         ·Keep good filing for all customer instructions and relevant records;

·         ·Back up other Ops position where necessary;

·         ·Perform other assignment from supervisors.


Job Requirements:

·         ·Bachelor degree;

·         ·Good knowledge of PC;

·         ·Good communication skill;

·         ·High sense of responsibility, careful, diligent and efficient;

·         ·Willing to work hard under pressure;

·         ·Teamwork player and customer service oriented.


Customer Services Representative

Job Duties:

·         ·To perform accurate and efficient counter transactions and to offer a high standard of courteous and professional service to customers

·         ·To establish and keep good relationship with valuable customers by providing one-stop counter services

·         ·To have a strong sales sense and skills to cross-sell and proactively refer potential customers to Personal Relationship Officer (PRO) / Personal Relationship Manager (PRM) to support sales and promotion strategies. To be able to introduce independently promoted products to valuable customers

·         ·To report customer feedback and collect market intelligence in order to seek continuous improvement in customer service

·         ·Be familiar with local rules and regulation and internal guidelines and always keep alert for any suspicious Money Laundry activity and do report to superior



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