

發布時間:2011-07-22 11:11   來源:匯豐銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉



Position: Intern

Department: Branch Managers, BJG

Vacancy: 1

Internship Period: Tentatively from 5Sept to 4Nov (2months)

Main Job: Administrative work related to Branch Manager and Senior Management


1. At least 4-5 days per week, with a valid student ID.

2. Good commend of English (Both written and oral). It is better for English major students.

3. Considerate, patient and with the ability of better understanding and communication.

4. Strong Responsibility and have the sense of team work.


5. Be willing to work overtime when necessary.


6. RMB 60 per day.


7. Location: COFCO Plaza


8.  Deadline: 15 August



郵件標題為: BM實習申請+姓名+學校+專業


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