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發布時間:2011-06-07 17:51   來源:匯豐銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉



Position: Intern
Department: Trade Sales - Global Banking
Vacancy: 1
Department Introduction:
Trade and Supply Chain (TSC) has, from the very beginning, been integral to HSBC's presence in China and to its proposition as a global bank. HSBC was established in 1865 to finance and facilitate the growing trade between China and Europe. Today, the Bank has dedicated trade offices across 60 countries and territories worldwide. Leveraging on our long-standing trade experience in China and the extensive global footprint, TSC continues to play a highly significant role in maintaining HSBC's position as one of the leading foreign banks in China.
Global trade is shifting world dynamics. As more countries open their borders to trade opportunities, established markets like the United States and Western Europe are sharing centre stage with developing economies all over the world. To make the most of this shift, importers/exporters need a partner who provides the knowledge, experience and support for global trade to turn these new markets into familiar territory.
HSBC has been enabling companies to do just that for over 140 years. Through a global network of trade experts in over 60 countries across Europe, the Americas, Africa, the Middle East and Asia, HSBC Trade and Supply Chain supports companies of all sizes that trade globally.
From small businesses to global multinational corporations, HSBC Trade and Supply Chain partners with importers and exporters to design trade solutions and financing structures that not only meet their needs today, but also help them set strategies for their growth tomorrow.
With trade solutions ranging from traditional paper-based documentary credits to sophisticated upstream supply chain financing, it's no wonder that HSBC is known not only as the world's local bank, but also as the world's trade and supply chain bank.
Job Description
Internship period: at least three months, starting from June 20, 2011
Able to work 4-5 days per week
English level above CET-6
Finance related major preferred , Banking knowledge is advantage
Valid student ID is a must
Payment: RMB 60 per day
Deadline: July 15, 2011
Location: Beijing COFCO Plaza
Please send your resume to hsbcbjghr@hsbc.com.cn,
E-mail titled: Trade Sales Intern+ Name+ University+ Major


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