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2007年12月11日匯豐銀行HSBC CIBM Tel interview[電面]

發布時間:2010-06-09 16:49   來源:匯豐銀行筆經,面經,試題 查看:打印  關閉



I think I did very sound preparation, but i still think i screwed it up. The phone quality was extremely poor, i could barely hear what the HR woman over there talking abt. and the questions was totally out of my expectation. they said it's gonna be a behavior interview, but it's definitely not a conventional one

1. a stituation when you influence your team member (only this question looks friendly); if you face the same situation, what kind of changes will you make

2. a example when you applied your business theory you learned from class in dealing with a real life problem

3. how do you keep youself update with the financial world, say an issue and its impact to the financial industry.

4. what kind of research you did abt our company

5. in your opinion who are our major competitors? how can HSBC differenciated with these competitors

6. describe a situation when you experienced a big change; what you've learned from it

7. anything to you wanna add to your application?

i never did the phone interview before, and i was damn nervous, although i managed to answer all the questions, i dont think the HR woman is very satisfied with my answer. anyways, good luck guys!


Editted on March 1

I was rejected by HSBC, well, the result was expected.

One of my friends entered the final AC, and she said that many technical questions were involved (interest swap, foreign ex hedge...) , so be well prepared!

Btw, eventually I got offer from Merrill Lynch, and Im gonna sign it. good luck!


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