我申請的部門是Global Banking的Corporate Finance, 通過resume和筆試後到達第一面試.
第一個面試為1個VP + 2個associate, 壓力不小, 之前做過美林, 麥格理和JPMorgan的還沒VP級的露臉, 大都跟Analyst和Associate.
Briefly introduce yourself and quickly walk us through your resume.
What made you switch from Engineering to Banking?
What's been happening to the markets recently? Anything you find particularly interesting?
What are the main ways you can valuate a company? 我回答了DCF和Comparables後, 他門繼續問了一些更深入的
valuation的問題. 後來還問了一連串的Technical問題, Technical的部分其實問的滿活的, 會從淺的慢慢問到你是否了解underlying的一些道理.
Do you know what an analyst does on a daily basis?
Do you think you have what it takes to work in this industry? Why?
之後又閑聊了一些, 問了一些問題. 基本上很親切 (跟美林或是JP比的話)