
主頁 > 綜合銀行招聘信息 > 中信嘉華銀行北京分行招聘Relationship Manager, Wholesale Banking(2)

中信嘉華銀行北京分行招聘Relationship Manager, Wholesale Banking(2)

發布時間:2007-08-17  截至日期:已過期  來源:綜合銀行招聘信息 查看:打印  關閉
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CITIC Ka Wah Bank Limited
CITIC Ka Wah Bank Limited CITIC Ka Wah Bank Limited (the "Bank") is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CITIC International Financial Holdings Limited, which in turn is 55%-owned by CITIC Group and 15% owned by BBVA. BBVA is one of the top-twenty global financial groups in the word, with a solid position in the Spanish market and a leading franchise in Latin America. The 96,369 people making up the BBVA Group look after 35 million customers in 35 countries through a network of 7,465 branches. The Bank operates 31 branches in Hong Kong and also has an established presence in China through its branches in Beijing, Shanghai and Macau, and its wholly-owned finance company, China International Finance Company Limited (Shenzhen). The Bank's overseas branch network covers New York and Los Angeles. The Bank is rated "Baa2" by Moody's Investors Service and "BBB+" by FITCH. Our Competitive Differentiation Strong parent support from CITIC Group and under Hong Kong' s rule of law and regulatory regime Independent world-class management by a team of highly qualified international banking professionals Best in international practices, coupled with a real depth of knowledge and connectivity in China Effective two-way conduit and value enhancer for customers with cross-border business and trade flows between Greater China and the rest of the world Client-oriented culture focused on transparency, professionalism, discipline, vigour, innovation, and progressiveness By providing value-creating financial solutions to define and exceed both the wealth management and international business objectives of our Greater China and overseas customers, the Bank aspires to be the PRC bank of choice, with the best international standards and capabilities.
公司網站: http://www.citickawahbank.com/
聯 系 人: HR

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