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發布時間:2018-07-04 15:09   來源:英語 查看:打印  關閉

  Global Dynamic Processes, Inc.
  FROM:Jee-Soo Moon, director of operations
  TO:GDPI staff
  RE:Physical upgrading project
  DATE:February 14
  The GDPI office building had its last major renovation fifteen years ago, and the facility is due for another one this year. Phase one of the company's physical upgrading project will begin on Monday, March 1. Over a period of eight weeks, all public areas and meeting rooms will get new carpets and a fresh coat of paint. Staff will receive new office furniture. Our auditorium will be expanded by an additional 400 seats. This will accommodate personnel more comfortably during all-staff meetings, which we have been holding in a rented space at the Anora Bay Hotel for almost a year since our merger with Alendel Data Corporation.
  In the coming weeks, your supervisor will provide you with the exact date for work specific to your location. Please be prepared to clear your desk and file cabinet so that work can proceed smoothly; you will be provided with boxes for the temporary storage of your items. Be sure to label each of your boxes with your name, office location, and the contents of the box. The crew of the facilities department will be in your work space for about 60 minutes, so you will need to plan your time accordingly. As a precaution, please save all electronic files on the company's networked computer system, as your desk computer will be disconnected while work is being performed in your office.
  If you have questions, please speak with your supervisor. Thank you for your cooperation.
  1. Why did Mr. Moon send the memo?
  A. To make arrangements for a merger with another company
  B. To provide information about upcoming office improvements
  C. To report on the progress of an ongoing project
  D. To address workers' concerns about conditions in the office
  2. The word "due" in paragraph 1, line 2 is closed in meaning to ______
  A. payable
  B. determined
  C. scheduled
  D. appropriate
  3. What is suggested about Global Dynamic Processes, Inc.?
  A. Its staff has increased in the past year.
  B. It owns the Anora Bay Hotel.
  C. Its all-staff meetings are held once a year.
  D. It was established fifteen years ago.
  4. How long will staff need to be away from their work spaces?
  A. Approximately one hour
  B. Two working days
  C. Approximately one week
  D. Eight weeks
  5. In the memo, what is NOT an instruction given to employees?
  A. To prepare for interruptions in their work
  B. To remove all objects from cabinets and desks
  C. To select office furniture together with supervisors
  D. To save computer files onto the firm's computer network
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