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發布時間:2010-09-19 20:15   來源:大華銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉



Position:  Banking Intern (Global Market & Investment Management Department)
* Assist internal staff to handle banking activities, including:
l        Assist internal staff to manage and enhance relationships with valued
 customers and customer groups at the HQ level.

l        Assist internal staff to manage and drive branch business performance
, provide necessary guidance and make joint customer calls with RMs at the Bra

l        Assist internal staff to evaluation and understanding of risk associa
ted with Institutional Financial Services transactions, products and borrowers

l        Assist internal staff to share information, knowledge and experience
with fellow colleagues in China
l        Proficient in both oral and written English.

l        Team player, detail oriented, patient, good communication skills.

l        Feel comfortable to deal with daily admin works and provide assistanc
e to the team.
l        Able to work 4-5 days/week for 3 months (able to work for at least 5
months would be ideal), postgraduate student will be a plus, can start to work
 as soon as possible.
Please send your resume to: china.recruitment@uobgroup.com with "Banking Inter
n_Name_University_Grade" as the subject. And please highlight your available w
orking time in the email (e.g. 5 days/week, for 3 months from September. 2010)
, thanks


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