1.To provide administrative and operational support at daily-basis for LCB IBB BJ。
2.To assist in the daily transactions, drawdown, rollover and repayment.
3.To assist with account management including opening, maintenance, closure and EB setup.
4.To help apply GFCID, CADD, Ness screening , google and Local control list.
5. To help with data entry such as spreading, bank statement analysis, loan card check,trade check and corporate analysis.
6.To conduct market researches with various topics from economic trends analysis &industry summaries to detailed financial data mining & individual enter priseinformation web searching.
7.To be the backup person when Anchor is away from the office.
* 能夠保證至少三個月實習時間,每周至少工作四天;
* 盡快入職;
* 能熟練使用英語;
* 金融、會計等專業優先;有銀行方面的相關實習經歷者優先;
* 出色的學術表現以及良好的溝通能力;
應聘者請將中英文簡歷發送至zhang.nina.z@citi.com,并將郵件命名為"Apply for internship_Name_University"。