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對HSBC有興趣 且符合以下基本要求的童鞋 投條or郵件Brendagao@chinacarrer.com

customer service經驗。



Development Opportunities
HSBC is an equal opportunity employer. We value the diversity of
individuals, ideas, perspectives, insights and values, and what they bring
to the workplace.


Advance Wealth Officer

Indicative Band:7 Location: Shanghai, Beijing, GZH, SZN
Job duties:
To identify emerging mass affluent customers with large deposits,
evaluate customer’s need & cross-sell products, such as Insurance, Home
loan (HML) & Capital Protected Investment (CPI).
To deliver high standard of professional service to ensure
customer satisfaction.
To maintain service enhancement by assisting SBM & Advance Wealth
Manager in cultivating the Sales &Service culture, in ensuring the
professional environment of the bank hall and handling difficult situations
to customers’ satisfaction.
To support SBM & Advance Wealth Manager in implementing Sales & Service
plan for the department. Ensures the targets set under Sales & Service
programmes are met.

Job requirements:
Bachelor degree or above
About 1 years’ related working experience
General knowledge of full range of Bank’s Personal Financial
Service (PFS) banking products and services
Mature and with commercial orientation
Basic spoken and written English
Good interpersonal and communication skills
Independent, sociable and able to work under pressure
Good team player
Well organized

Business Development Officer

Job duties:
To assist Business Development Manager to achieve HSBC Premier (HP)
customer growth by organizing quality sales activities to target those
high-end prospects and immigration channel and etc. and thus acquire
sufficient potential customers for DSF.
To explore, develop and maintain third party partnerships for referring
qualified and quantitative target prospects to HSBC in local market.
To make sure all the sales activities are well planned and all the
mechanics and milestone are cleared and clarified.
To contribute to the enhancement of the prestigious image of the Bank
by providing efficient and high quality professional service in compliance
with external laws/regulations and internal control guidelines/standards.
To report any operational risks identified or customer complaints
received immediately.
To assist Business Development Manager to optimize the work process and
improve work efficiency.

Job requirements:
Bachelor degree or above
About three years related working experience, 2 years marketing / sales
experience in banking industry preferred
Broad knowledge of retail banking products and services
Knowledge of the rules/regulations governing banks/finance industry,
consumer trends, and competitor offerings, economic
Good interpersonal and communication skills
Strong presentation and sales skills


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