
首頁 > 外資、合資、港資銀行招聘 > 澳新銀行招聘 > 澳新銀行成都分公司招聘信息


發布時間:2011-04-26 20:19   來源:澳新銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉




單位性質:       其 他 經濟類型: 全民
所處行業: 其他行業 所在省、市 四川省、成都
單位聯系人: 聯系電話:
單位傳真: 郵政編碼:
單位電子信箱: chengdur@anz.com


    澳新銀行(ANZ Bank)是澳大利亞最大的銀行及企業之一 ,躋身銀行業世界前25位(數據截至2010年11月)。總部設在墨爾本,已有175年的歷史。澳新銀行在亞太區(包括亞洲,太平洋島國,澳大利亞和新西蘭地區)具有廣泛的服務網絡,就網點分布而言,是繼匯豐銀行花旗銀行渣打銀行之后的第四大銀行。澳新銀行是澳大利亞最大的在華投資企業之一,也是中國最大的澳大利亞銀行,并于2010年10月作為首家澳大利亞銀行在中國成立了本地注冊的法人銀行,以便能夠更好地服務于中國本地客戶。
    澳新銀行在中國北京上海都設有分行,是最早進入中國市場的外資銀行之一。1986年澳新銀行就在北京設立了辦事處。1993年設立了上海分行,北京辦事處年升為分行。澳新銀行上海分行經中國人民銀行總行核準,已于2002年獲得了新頒發的《中華人民共和國金融機構(外資)營業許可證》,為中國居民和中資企業提供全面外匯業務。同時受益于WTO條款的實施,澳新銀行上海分行的經營地域范圍將從原來的上海、江蘇浙江擴展為上海、江蘇、浙江、深圳大連天津。截至目前為止,澳新銀行是唯一一家在中國可以提供商業銀行業務的大洋洲地區銀行。自1986年在北京設立辦事處以來,澳新銀行一直致力于在中國大陸的發展。1993年,澳新銀行上海分行正式成立。北京代表處也于1997年升為分行。 現今,澳新銀行上海分行和北京分行都是獲得全面經營銀行業務許可的外資銀行,同時亦躋身于中國最成功的外資銀行之列。 2010年9月澳新銀行在成都建立了中文運營中心,提供中文語音呼叫中心及后勤辦公服務功能,為澳新銀行在華業務提供支持。 2011年3月24日澳新銀行在重慶設立中國西部首家分行,致力于支持重慶發展成為中國西部地區的金融中心。1997
Job Post for Fresh Graduates: Decision Model Analyst
ANZ has a proud history. For over 175 years we have evolved and adapted to the needs of the times. We are regarded as one of the safest banks globally and are one of only 11 AA rated banks in the world.
ANZ - Presence in 32 countries globally - Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific, Asia, the Middle East, Europe and USA including a technology and operations centre in Bangalore, India. More than 40,000 employees around the world. More than 40,000 employees around the world. More than 5.7 million personal banking customers worldwide. Assets of nearly AUD$500 billion. Nearly 400,000 shareholders. No.1 bank globally on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). Among the top 30 banks in the world by market capitalisation.
ANZ is establishing a new Chinese-language operations and service centre in Chengdu to support its business growth in China. Our Chengdu business will provide support services to the ANZ China across a variety of customer products and services.
We provide competitive remuneration and benefits and we will help you achieve your career goals. In line with our focus on excellence, employees who deliver great results and outperform while maintaining the highest standards of the ANZ Values can expect to receive higher rewards.
·        Work in the decision modelling team to assist and gradually directly work on corporate analytics tasks including:
o        Develop and validate statistically derived risk models across the consumer credit lifecycle, including application, behaviour, collections, bankruptcy etc.
o        Develop capital estimates modelling, including PD, EAD and LGD analysis
o        Analyse, develop and validate retail business unit strategies and assessment processes where required
·        Assist all aspects of data management and model delivery, including data sourcing, data integrity, appropriate usage of data and model documentations.
·        Provide supports to present key model and analysis findings to senior management and/or other stakeholders with actionable recommendations
·        Provide ad hoc data analysis where required
·        Hold a Bachelor's degree (Masters Preferred) in statistics, operations research, applied mathematics, econometrics, or any discipline with extensive quantitative exposure.
·        Strong analytical and logical aptitude, research and numerical problem solving skill, superb attention to details.
·        Solid knowledge in statistical modelling techniques such as logistic regression, etc.
·        Experience in statistical software skills (e.g. SAS)
·        English writing skills are required, good English speaking is a plus.
·        Team-work player, fast learner and have strong initiative and high level of integrity.
·        2011 fresh graduate is welcomed
Resume Collection:
Interested candidates please send your resume in both Chinese and English version by the below way:
·        Through www.51job.com
  1. register in www.51job.com
  2. log in Chengdu station, search ANZ position: Decision Model Analyst
  3. apply for it. 
·        Through chengdur@anz.com
  1. send your resumes directly to chengdur@anz.com
  2. note: 163/hotmail/gmail/yahoo mails just can not access to ANZ’s mailbox.
Work Place:
ANZ office, Tianfu Software Park, Chengdu, P.R.China
For any inquiry, you also can contact with 028-65006056                                    www.anz.com



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