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德意志銀行招聘Private Banking Sales Team Assistants公告

發布時間:2007-08-29  截至日期:已過期  來源:綜合銀行招聘信息 查看:打印  關閉
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Private Banking
聯 系 人:HR
Private Banking Sales Team Assistants 
電子郵箱: careers.cn@db.com  
發布日期: 2007-08-29
工作地點: 北京市 
招聘人數: 1
工作年限: 三年以上
 外語要求: 英語 熟練
薪水范圍: 面議 
學    歷: 本科
Team Assistants provide communication management, schedule management, office management, project management assistance and other supportive duties for the Private Banking Project Office. This may also involve taking minutes of project meetings and tracking the agreed to-do's with everybody involved. The general role is to assist in making the department/area, all direct and indirect business partners, and themselves more productive and capable.
- Bachelor degree which major in English.
- Minimum of three years' solid secretarial experience is required for the position
- Extensive experience with computers, must have experience with Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel and
knowledge of Windows environment, electronic mail.
- Very good ability to work simultaneously on different tasks for different people and "keep smiling"
- She/ he needs to be a self starter with a great sense of organizing the admin tasks of a busy project office
- Ability to understand some of the context he/ she will be working with, ie. ability to understand what the
project is about and taking action when he/she thinks that something should be discussed or checked
- Proven project experience more important than degrees
- Applicants must possess excellent skills in prioritization, organizing, problem solving, communication,
filing, and phone etiquette 

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