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渣打銀行招聘Customer Service Officer

發布時間:2007-08-22  截至日期:已過期  來源:綜合銀行招聘信息 查看:打印  關閉
銀行招聘網(Yinhangzhaopin.com)溫馨提示:凡告知“加qq聯系、無需任何條件、工作地點不限”,收取服裝費、押金、報名費等各種費用的信息均有欺詐嫌疑,請保持警惕。銀行招聘網文章標簽:銀行 Officer Customer Service

Customer Service Officer 
電子郵箱: hr.china@cn.standardchartered.com
發布日期: 2007-08-22
工作地點: 天津
招聘人數: 若干
外語要求: 英語 良好
薪水范圍: 面議
學    歷: 大專
Primary point of contact with external customer for advice, inquiries.
Act as "window" into Standard Chartered for all transaction services related to inquiries and investigations.
Work with internal customers for service requirement, inquiries, instructions.
Timely and accurate resolutions to all customer inquiries that are received through various means.
To maintain all quality standards to ensure that Standard Chartered meets customers' total needs, and that continued effort is made to exceed customers' expectation.
To have related procedures/workflow improved and/or simplified by initiate good ideas and methods.
To provide support and monitor investigation cases through satisfactory resolution with the customer.
To be aware and identify opportunities to cross sell Standard Chartered's products
University degree
Relevant experience preferred in Banking industry
Good communications skills and ability to understand customer requirements
Good systems thinking skills and problem solving approach
Good knowledge of banking products
Good interpersonal and team orientation skills
Proficient in PC applications and English
A team player 

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